Much of today was spent at the CREHST* Museum in Richland, WA. It's mostly a history of
Hanford Site, and its effects on the surrounding area. Hanford produced plutonium for the Manhattan Project and continued to produce through the Cold War. Now it's being decommissioned and cleaned up. The museum's pretty small, but the exhibits are excellent, little reproductions of parts of the sites, cutaways and what appeared to be an original conceptual model for one of the contructions. The once-top-secret project was well-illustrated with old photos and, downstairs, a short documentary. (When I say top secret, apparently one kid thought the project was making toilet paper, because his dad brought back two rolls every day.) I appreciate anywhere which has old dosimeters up for grabs in the gift shop. The best part was this, though:

The last time I enjoyed stacking blocks this much, Button Moon was probably on TV.
LIGO Hanford is also inside Hanford's borders, and I'm hopefully going to get out there in the next week or so. ZOMG UPDATES
*Columbia River Exhibition of History, Science, and Technology
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